Molding clay, cold and ancient yet soft and welcoming, I connect with Divine Presence. As my clay-coated hands go deeper---one with my Soul--- this sculpted clay, matter & spirit, resonates light. Completing my sculpture, I gaze in awe at the mirror within my soul, then humbly and full of gratitude, I continue onto my next vision. Please join me....
Shalom, Helene
While studying Dr. Alan Morinis’s books, Everyday Holiness and Every Day, Holy Day, I was inspired to interpret Jewish wisdom in clay. My sculpture journey begins with the hand. The hand is my tool, communicating through clay, interpreting ancient teachings of the Soul.
Facing East toward Jerusalem, the home of my ancestors, I pray with my hands and my heart, comtemplating words gleaned from the Jewish Sacred Text called the Torah. These Jewish values, ethics to live by, I sculpt into Wisdom Tiles.
OM Sweet OM, ShalOM, PING remind me that peace and healing are available to all.
Jews also love to eat -don't we all! But first we recite the blessings for the fruit of the vine with L'Chaim and Betay Avon for the gift of grain.
... If you have read my bio , you will understand that I have searched for healing and wisdom throughout much of my life. Many of us have been blessed by the wisdom of various cultures and traditions be it Native American, Shaman, Wicca as well as the many religions of the world. Much insight has come to me, especially recently through the Enneagram. Yet as a Jew, I was yearning for something deeply personal and spiritual--an ancient connection. Mussar Teachings is the response to this specific call! Mussar study attempts to correct whatever is preventingthe light of our soul from shining through. As a student of Mussar and a JuCLAYica sculptor, I would love to create your very own clay Mussar tool to use on your path of self-discovery.
.Shalom, Helene
I embrace the message of
Psalm 133: How good and pleasant it is to dwell together in Unity!
This Tree of Life plaque reminds me to focus daily on my specific soul trait in need of balance.
The Shiviti reminds me we are made in the image of something greater than ourselves. Together we are One, our souls sacred and everlasting. We are Light: My Light, be I the candle, be I the mirror~Our Light is One.
Be it the Kohanim Hand, with the
Live Long & Prosper blessing or Shekinah blessing the sick,
these quotes inspire me to sculpt sacred hands:
You are engraved on the palm of My Hand. Isaiah 49:16
Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. Lamentations 3:41
My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate unto thy statutes. Psalm 119:48
Refuah Schleimah Healing Tiles:
May you have a complete recovery of mind, body & spirit.